Criticism Volume 51, Number 2, Spring 2009
Criticism Volume 51, Number 2
Criticism provides a forum for current scholarship on literature, media, music, and visual culture. A place for rigorous theoretical and critical debate as well as formal and methodological self-reflexivity and experimentation, Criticism aims to present contemporary thought at its most vital.
Table of Contents
Dialectics of Aesthetics and Politics in Maxine Hong Kingston's The Fifth Book of Peace
E. San Juan Jr.
Greimas Avec Lacan; Or, from the Symbolic to the Real in Dialectical Criticism
Phillip E. Wegner
Republican Liberty in George Eliot's Romola
Gary Wihl
Sacred Life and Sacrificial Economy: Coriolanus in No-Man's-Land
Nichole E. Miller
Confronting the Modern: Kōbō Abe's The Box Man and Yumiko Kurahashi's "The Witch Mask"
Andrew Hock Soon Ng
Additional Information | 6x9, 188 pages, published January 10, 2010 |