Criticism, Volume 58, Number 1, Winter 2016
Criticism, Volume 58, Number 1
Criticism provides a forum for current scholarship on literature, media, music and visual culture. A place for rigorous theoretical and critical debate as well as formal and methodological self-reflexivity and experimentation, Criticism aims to present contemporary thought at its most vital.
Criticism Volume 58, Number 1, Winter 2016
In and Out, Or "The Ambiguity of the Jewel"
Daniel Humphrey
Black Like Malcolm: Grace Halsell's Rewriting of Black Like Me (1961) in Soul Sister (1969)
Martha J. Cutter
White Skin, Black Glag: Hardcore Punk, Racialization, and the Politics of Sound in Southern California
Shaun Cullen
On the Cultural Projection of Population Crisis: The Case of The Omega Man
Justin Sully
Digital Transcendentalism in David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas
John Shanahan
Jonathan Crewe on The Unrepentant Renaissance: From Petrarch to Shakespeare to Milton by Richard Strier
Louis van den Hengel on Becoming Undone: Darwinian Reflections on Life, Politics, and Art by Elizabeth Grosz
Steven S. Lee on Moscow, the Fourth Rome: Stalinism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Evolution of Soviet Culture, 1931–1941 by Katerina Clark
Alina Cherry on Pictures into Words: Images in Contemporary French Fiction by Ari J. Blatt