Human Biology Volume 82, Number 1, February 2010

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Human Biology Volume 82, Number 1

A worldwide forum for state-of-the-art ideas, methods, and techniques in the field, Human Biology focuses on genetics in its broadest sense. Included under this rubric are: human population genetics, evolutionary and genetic demography, quantitative genetics, evolutionary biology, ancient DNA studies, biological diversity interpreted in terms of adaptation (biometry, physical anthropology), and interdisciplinary research linking biological and cultural diversity (inferred from linguistic variability, ethnological diversity, archaeological evidence, etc.)

Table of Contents

Mortality Variation by Birth Region and Ethnicity: An Illustration Based on the Finnish Population Register
Jan Saarela and Fjalar Finnäs

Can Life History Trade-Offs Explain the Evolution of Short Stature in Human Pygmies? A Response to Migliano et al. (2007)
Noémie S. A. Becker, Paul Verdu, Barry Hewlett, and Samuel Pavard

Linear Measurements of the Neurocranium Are Better Indicators of Population Differences than Those of the Facial Skeleton: Comparative Study of 1,961 Skulls
Gábor Holló, László Szathmáry, Antónia Marcsik, and Zoltán Barta

A Model of the Mechanisms of Language Extinction and Revitalization Strategies to Save Endangered Languages
Chrisantha Fernando, Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi, and Richard A. Goldstein

Raymond Pearl and the Shaping of Human Biology
Michael A. Little and Ralph M. Garruto

Maternal Preconception Diet and the Sex Ratio
J. S. Cramer and L. H. Lumey

Why Are Pygmies So Short? A Defense of Migliano’s Hypothesis
Andrea B. Migliano, Lucio Vinicius, and Marta Mirazón Lahr

More Information
Additional Information 6x9, 124 pages, published July 8, 2010
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