Human Biology Volume 86, Number 3, Summer 2014
Human Biology Volume 86 Number 3 (Summer 2014)
Table of Contents
Population Genetic Structure of Traditional Populations in the Peruvian Central Andes and Implications for South American Population History
Graciela S. Cabana, Cecil M. Lewis, Jr., Raúl Y. Tito, R. Alan Covey, Angela M. Cáceres, Augusto F. De La Cruz, Diana Durand, Genevieve Housman, Brannon I. Hulsey, Gian Carlo Iannacone, Paul W. López, Rolando Martínez, Ángel Medina, Olimpio Ortega Dávila, Karla Paloma Osorio Pinto, Susan I. Polo Santillán, Percy Rojas Domínguez, Meagan Rubel, Heather F. Smith, Silvia E. Smith, Verónica Rubín de Celis Massa, Beatriz Lizárraga, and Anne C. Stone
HLA Class II Alleles in the Otomi Population of the Mezquital Valley: A Genetic Approach to the History of Interethnic Migrations in the Mexican Central Plateau
Ana Itzel Juárez-Martín, Blanca Zoila González-Sobrino, Ángel Eduardo Camarena Olvera, and Ramcés Falfán-Valencia
A Homogenizing Process of Selection Has Maintained an “Ultra-Slow” Acetylation NAT2 Variant in Humans
B. Patillon, P. Luisi, E. S. Poloni, S. Boukouvala, P. Darlu, E. Genin, and A. Sabbagh
Book Reviews
A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, by Nicholas Wade
Review by Agustín Fuentes
Review by Jonathan Marks
Review by Jennifer Raff
Review by Charles C. Roseman
Review by Laura R. Stein
American Association of Anthropological Genetics