Human Biology Volume 94, Number 2, Spring 2022 (Ethics in Bioanthropology)

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HB 94-2

Human Biology Volume 94, Number 2

Founded in 1929, Human Biology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on research to increase understanding of human biological variation. Among the topics considered by the journal are anthropological, quantitative, evolutionary, and population genetics and genomics; ancient DNA studies and paleogenomics; demography and genetic epidemiology; and ethical and social implications of human genetic and genomic research.

Human Biology is the official publication of the American Association of Anthropological Genetics (AAAG), an educational and scientific organization founded in 1994. AAAG aims to promote the study of anthropological genetics, as this field is broadly defined, to facilitate communication and cooperation between individuals engaged in this field.

Issue 94.2, Spring 2022
Special Issue: 
Ethics in Bioanthropology


Ethics and Best Practices of Studying Contemporary Human Populations
Mayowa AdegboyegaXinjun Zhang
Bioethics as a Dynamic Issue: Holistic Approaches to Understanding and Applying Ethics to Study Design
Taiye Winful
More than Ethics: Changing Approaches to Research in Human Biology
Agustín Fuentes
The Ethical Responsibilities of Forensic Science Organizations in an Era of Oppressive Legislative Action
Samantha M. McCraneSean D. Tallman
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