Marvels & Tales Volume 29, Number 1, Spring 2015
Marvels & Tales is a peer-reviewed journal that is international and multidisciplinary in orientation. The journal publishes scholarly work dealing with the fairy tale in any of its diverse manifestations and contexts. Marvels & Tales provides a central forum for fairy-tale studies by scholars of literature, folklore, gender studies, children’s literature, social and cultural history, anthropology, film studies, ethnic studies, art and music history, and others.'
Table of Contents
Special Issue: Queer(ing) Fairy Tales, Guest Editor Lewis C. Seifert
Introduction: Queer(ing) Fairy Tales
Lewis C. Seifert
Queer Time in Charles Perrault’s “Sleeping Beauty”
Lewis C. Seifert
At Home in the Realm of Enchantment: The Queer Enticements of the Grimms’ “Frau Holle”
Kay Turner
John R. Neill: Illustrator (and Author) of L. Frank Baum’s Queer Oz
Tyson Pugh
A Wolf’s Queer Invitation: David Kaplan’s Little Red Riding Hood and Queer Possibility
Jennifer Orme
“The Snow Queen”: Queer Coding in Male Directors’ Films
Pauline Greenhill
Texts & Translations
The International Fairy-Tale Filmography (IFTF)
Pauline Greenhill
At the Crossroads of Data and Wonder: Algorithmic Visualizations of Fairy Tales on Television
Jill Terry Rudy
The Pleasant Nights (Giovan Francesco Straparola; ed. Donald Beecher)
Licia Masoni
Im Reich der Wünsche (Ed. Shawn C. Jarvis)
Julie Koehler
The Donkey Lady and Other Tales from the Arabian Gulf (Ed. Patty Paine, Jesse Ulmer, and Michael Hersrud)
Margaret Mills
Folklore and Nationalism in Europe During the Long Nineteenth Century (Ed. Timothy Baycroft and David Hopkin)
Jack Zipes
Transgressive Tales: Queering the Grimms (Ed. Kay Turner and Pauline Greenhill)
Helen Miriam Bendix and Regina F. Bendix
Reading, Translating, Rewriting: Angela Carter’s Translational Poetics (Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère)
Michelle Ryan-Sautour
Running with the Fairies: Towards a Transpersonal Anthropology of Religion (Dennis Gaffin)
Jessica Jernigan
Féerie: Études sur le conte merveilleux XVIIe–XIXe siècle. Vol. 7, Le Conte et la Fable (Ed. Aurelia and Jean-Paul Gaillard Sermain)
Féerie: Études sur le conte merveilleux XVIIe–XIXe siècle. Vol. 8, Le merveilleux français à travers les siècles, les langues, les continents (Ed. Jean Mainil)
Marianthi Kaplanoglou
Blancanieves (Written and dir. Pablo Berger)
Jan Susina
Beauty and the Beast (Dir. Phelan McDermott; Young Vic Theatre, London)
Lili Sarnyai
Grimm Girls: Picturing the Princess (exhibition at The Otter Gallery)
Joanna Coleman
Critical Exchanges
WS (exhibition by Paul McCarthy)
Taylor Black, Rebecca LeVine, Kiera Bono, Melissa West, and Cassidy Hollinger