Marvels & Tales Volume 30, Number 2, Fall 2016
Marvels & Tales is a peer-reviewed journal that is international and multidisciplinary in orientation. The journal publishes scholarly work dealing with the fairy tale in any of its diverse manifestations and contexts. Marvels & Tales provides a central forum for fairy-tale studies by scholars of literature, folklore, gender studies, children’s literature, social and cultural history, anthropology, film studies, ethnic studies, art and music history, and others.'
Marvels & Tales Volume 30, Number 2 (Fall 2016)
Charles Perrault and the Evolution of “Little Red Riding Hood”
Francisco Vaz da Silva
Thinking Through Things: Magical Objects, Power, and Agency in French Fairy Tales
Bronwyn Reddan
Blackness in the Grimms’ Fairy Tales
Ann Schmiesing
Bluebeard and the Beast: The Mysterious Realism of Jane Eyre
Jessica Campbell
Ethel Carnie Holdsworth’s New Fairy Tales for the Working Class
Patricia E. Johnson
"In the Kaleidoscope of Desire": Reading Allegorical Figures from Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene in Angela Carter’s Three Cat Tales
Marie Emilie Walz
From the Bloody Chamber to the Cabinet de Curiosités: Angela Carter’s Curious Alices Through the Looking Glass of Languages
Martine Hennard Duthiel de la Rochère
Storytelling in Contemporary Fairy Tales: Little Lit, Folklore, and Fairy Tales Funnies by Art Spiegelman and Françoise Mouly
Elena Massi
Blancanieves: A Film Adaptation of “Snow White” with a Spanish Twist
Thomas Deveny
A Catalogue of Khoisan Folktales of Southern Africa. Part I: Introduction, Types, Indices, Sources; Part II: The Tales (Analyses) (Sigrid Schmidt)
Robert Cancel
Baba Yaga: The Wild With of the East in Russian Fairy Tales (Ed. Sibelan Forrester, Martin Skoro, and Helena Goscilo)
Cory Thomas Hutcheson
Espen Ash Lad: Folk Tales from Norway (Trans. Robert Gambles)
Jack Zipes
Shikhandi and Other Tales They Don’t Tell You (Devdutt Pattanaik)
Jane Orton
A Fairytale in Question: Historical Interactions Between Humans and Wolves (Ed. Patrick Masius and Jana Sprenger)
Shannon Scott
The Folkloresque: Reframing Folklore in a Popular Culture World (Ed. Michael Dylan Foster and Jeffrey A. Tolbert)
Anelise Farris
The Teller’s Tale: Lives of the Classic Fairy Tale Writers (Ed. Sophie Raynard)
Megan Egbert
Contes en réseaux: l’émergence du conte sur la scène littéraire européenne (Patricia Eichel-Lojkine)
Bérénice V. Le Marchand
Demystifying Disney: A History of Feature Animation (Chris Pallant)
Jack Zipes
Fairy Tale (Andrew Teverson)
Donald Haase
Fairy Tale and Film: Old Tales with a New Spin (Sue Short)
Shannon Branfield
George MacDonald: Divine Carelessness and Fairytale Levity (Daniel Gabelman)
Sara Cleto
Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction: A Cognitive Reading (Marek C. Oziewicz)
Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo
Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale (Marina Warner)
Jeffrey Howard
Queer Enchantments: Gender, Sexuality, and Class in the Fairy-Tale Cinema of Jacques Demy (Anne E. Duggan)
Kimberly J. Lau