Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Volume 56, Number 2, April 2010
This internationally acclaimed periodical features empirical and theoretical papers on child development and family-child relationships. A high-quality resource for researchers, writers, teachers, and practitioners, the journal contains up-to-date information on advances in developmental research on infants, children, adolescents, and families; summaries and integrations of research; commentaries by experts; and reviews of important new books in development.
Table of Contents
Unsociability in Middle Childhood: Conceptualization, Assessment, and Associations with Socioemotional Functioning
Robert J. Coplan and Murray Weeks
Children’s Security in the Context of Family Instability and Maternal Communications
Marcia A. Winter, Patrick T. Davies, and E. Mark Cummings
What Does It Take to Stand Up for the Victim of Bullying? The Interplay Between Personal and Social Factors
Virpi Pöyhönen, Jaana Juvonen, and Christina Salmivalli
When Elementary Students Change Peer Groups: Intragroup Centrality, Intergroup Centrality, and Self-Perceptions of Popularity
Martin H. Jones and David B. Estell
Temperament and Peer Acceptance: The Mediating Role of Social Behavior
Terry W. Sterry, Jennifer Reiter-Purtill, Maria A. Gartstein, Cynthia A. Gerhardt, Kathryn Vannatta, and Robert B. Noll
Additional Information | 6x9, 118 pages, published June 25, 2010 |