Narrative Culture, Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2014
Narrative Culture claims narration as a broad and pervasive human practice, warranting a holistic perspective to grasp its place comparatively across time and space. Inviting contributions that document, discuss and theorize narrative culture, the journal seeks to offer a platform that integrates approaches spread across numerous disciplines. The field of narrative culture thus outlined is defined by a large variety of forms of popular narratives, including not only oral and written texts, but also narratives in images, three-dimensional art, customs, rituals, drama, dance, music, and so forth.
Table of Contents
"Another Fine Mess": The Condition of Storytelling in the Digital Age
Michael Wilson
Against Untranslatability
Lee Haring
Postmodern Storytelling in Traditional Popular Genres: Gore Verbinski's Movies as Reflections on Narrative Patterns
Ingrid Tomkowiak
"We Are What We Are Supposed to Be": The Brothers Grimm as Fictional Characters
Donald Haase
The Narrative Prayers (kahani) of the Indo-African Khoja
Iqbal Akhtar
Making Sense of the Nights: Intertextual Connections and Narrative Techniques in the Thousand and One Nights
Ulrich Marzolph