Narrative Culture, Volume 5, Number 2, Fall 2018
Narrative Culture claims narration as a broad and pervasive human practice, warranting a holistic perspective to grasp its place comparatively across time and space. Inviting contributions that document, discuss and theorize narrative culture, the journal seeks to offer a platform that integrates approaches spread across numerous disciplines. The field of narrative culture thus outlined is defined by a large variety of forms of popular narratives, including not only oral and written texts, but also narratives in images, three-dimensional art, customs, rituals, drama, dance, music, and so forth.
Table of Contents
Narrative Culture
Volume 5, Number 2, Fall 2018
Full Texts, Split Moons, Eclipsed Narratives: The Literary History of a Cosmological Miracle
Hussein Abdulsater
The Serpent Queen: A Case Study in “Travel” and Appropriation
Maher Jarrar
“The Story of the Vizier and His Son” from The Hundred and One Nights: Parallels in Midrashic Literature and Backgrounds in Early Arabic Sources
Amir Lerner
Making Sense of Karāmāt: Narratives about the Prediction of Sufferings in the Chinese Jahriyyah Sufi Order
Yuanhao Zhao
Into the “Land of Snow and Ice”: Racial Fantasies in the Fairy-Tale Landscapes of the North
JoAnn Conrad