Marvels & Tales Volume 22, Number 1, Spring 2008 (Erotic Tales)
The immediate impetus for publishing a special issue on erotic fairy tales came from a panel devoted to that topic at the 2005 annual meeting of the American Folklore Society (AFS). The four panelists who organized that session—Jeana Jorgensen, Sarah Lash, Linda J. Lee, and Adam Zolkover—were responding to a state of affairs that Jorgensen has recently articulated in an encyclopedia entry on “Erotic Tales”: “Although there is a wealth of scholarship available on fairy tales, little of it pertains explicitly to sexual identities and relations, despite the fact that erotic tales have long played a significant role in the literary tradition” (The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales, ed. Donald Haase [Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008] 1: 306).
Special Issue: Erotic Tales
Preface to the Special Issue on Erotic Tales
Cristina Bacchilega
Innocent Initiations: Female Agency in Eroticized Fairy Tales
Jeana Jorgensen
Corporealizing Fairy Tales: The Body, the Bawdy, and the Carnivalesque in the Comic Book Fables
Adam Zolkover
Guilty Pleasures: Reading Romance Novels as Reworked Fairy Tales
Linda J. Lee
Intellectualizing Smut: The Role of Tradition in Anne Rice’sSleeping Beauty
Sarah Lash
Erotic Infidelities: Angela Carter’s Wolf Trilogy
Kimberly J. Lau
The Infernal Desire Machines in Anne Thackeray Ritchie’sBluebeard’s Keys and Angela Carter’s “The Bloody Chamber”
Shuli Barzilai
Bloody Chambers and Labyrinths of Desire: Sexual Violence in Marina Warner’s Fairy Tales and Myths
Lisa G. Propst
“Fitcher’s [Queer] Bird”: A Fairy-Tale Heroine and Her Avatars
Pauline Greenhill
Two Tales from Cruel Fairy Tales for Adults
Marc Sebastian-Jones and Tateya Koichi
Additional Information | 6x9, 206 pages, published October 6, 2008 |