Storytelling, Self, Society Volume 6, Number 3 (September–December 2010)
Storytelling, Self, Society is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics related to oral narrative in performance, as social or cultural discourse, and in a variety of professional and disciplinary contexts.
Storytelling, Self, Society is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics related to oral narrative in performance, as social or cultural discourse, and in a variety of professional and disciplinary contexts.
Table of Contents
The Place of Storytelling in Legal Reasoning: Abraham Joshua Heschel's Torah MinHashamayim
Stefan H. Krieger
Cerita Pontianak: Cultural Contradictions and Patriarchy ina Malay Ghost Story
Cheryl L. Nicholas & Kimberly N. Kline
Past Lives: Entering the Buddhist Imagination
Rafe Martin
Once Upon a Time
Fadi Fayad Skelker
The Tower of Ravens: Invented Tradition, Fakelore, or Modern Myth?
Boria Sax
Jo Radner's "Burnt Into Money"
Margaret R. Yacom
Storyworlds in the Classroom
Heather Forest
Reviewers for the Issue
Additional Information | 7x10, published September 2010 |